Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Smoked Salmon and Dill Pikelets

Smoked salmon, fresh dill, and a delicious sour cream mixture served on small, bite size pikelets, this was maximum impact for minimum effort. I cheated and bought the mini pikelets from Coles, but of course with more time you can easily make them yourself, but honestly for $3.00 a packet why would you bother. These were a real hit as a Christmas entree. However, they would serve up beautifully and hold their own at any dinner or cocktail party.

My apologies there is no photo of these little beauties as they disappeared  before my eyes, as did the second batch. When life settles down after Christmas/New Year I will make some more and add a photo.


300g (1 1/4 cups) sour cream (reduced fat if you prefer)
1 tbs Wholegrain Mustard
2 tbs finely chopped chives
1 tbs finely chopped dill
2 tsp lemon juice
2 x 140g pkts Coles Golden Pikelet Bites
200g smoked salmon
Dill sprigs, to serve

  1. Combine the sour cream, mustard, dill, chives, and lemon juice in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper. 
  2. Spoon a little of the sour cream mixture onto each pikelet and top with some of the smoked salmon and a sprig of dill. Season with freshly ground black pepper and arrange on a serving platter embellished with extra Dill sprigs.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas Seafood in the Tropics and a Seafood Sauce Recipe

Golden Cassia fistula trees flowering in Cairns late December.
Common name: Cascara, Golden shower, Indian Laburnum

My early morning walk along the golden path in Freshwater, Cairns, Far North Queensland

This year Christmas was in warm tropical Cairns in Far North Queensland, so a departure from the traditional style Christmas lunch was inevitable. Fresh seafood which is so plentiful and locally caught was the obvious choice. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas fruit cakes


The cakes will keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3 months.
Suitable to freeze. Decorate cakes with ribbons if preparing for gifts.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Basil Pesto with Semi Sundried Tomatoes

With the festive season upon us, Christmas drinks accompanied by fine cheeses and other accompaniments will be more popular than ever. A tasty and healthy pesto adds variety to the standard cheese platter and is so easy and economical to make, especially if you grow your own herbs.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lemon Crispies

This Lemon Crispy biscuit slice is a family favourite. When our children were still living at home,
we would always love travelling to visit my Mum in Rockhampton, knowing that there would be home baked cakes, biscuits and slices waiting for us on arrival. She was a great sweets cook. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Easy Baked Chicken Casserole

Chicken casserole lends itself to easy, healthy, weeknight meals, created in one dish. This one is baked in an open dish, and can then be placed in a casserole dish to serve and be kept warm. I am realising more and more however, how important it is to buy good quality organic, free range chicken fillet, as the chicken is definitely more tender and tasty after being cooked.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Low Fat Coconut Butter Chicken from scratch

How delicious is this curry? It's so easy to make your own curry paste, without needing to resort to a bottled paste, and so much more packed with flavour.

Healthy Macaroni Cheese

Macaroni Cheese is a favourite dish of most people, and the ultimate form of comfort food. Unfortunately, eating too much of the traditional recipe which includes bacon and cream isn't really a healthy option.

The following recipe substitutes ham for bacon and light evaporated milk for cream, and is still tasty. You won't really notice any difference.

This is also very easy to cook when you are travelling.

Serves 6.

200g lean good quality ham (replacing 8 rashers bacon)
1 onion, diced
450g macaroni
1/2 cup reduced fat cheese, grated (replacing parmesan cheese)
300ml light evaporated milk (replacing cream)
Black pepper
Spray oil (instead of 2 tbsp. oil)
1 teaspoon dijon mustard (optional)


1. Chop the ham into chunks.  Fry ham in pan over medium heat with the onion until crispy, remove and then drain on a paper towel.
2. Boil a large pot of water and cook the macaroni for 9-10 minutes or until al dente. Drain the macaroni in a colander and return to the pot to keep warm adding a small amount of the drained liquid to keep the pasta moist.
3. Mix the cheese and evaporated milk in a bowl, add the mustard, then add the ham and onion. Pour over the pasta in the pot and toss gently with tongs.
4. Return the pan to a very low heat and cook approximately for 2 minutes, or until sightly thickened. Season with black pepper.

If you are feeling a little indulgent, add a small serve of grated parmesan over the dish for extra flavour, not that the dish needs it.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chicken Miso Soup

After having visitors with us for a few days, a low calorie day is necessary today. Need I say anymore. However, a low calorie day for me still needs to be tasty, nutritious and not leaving me wanting for more. I have been hearing a lot of chatter recently about the success of the 5:2 diet, regarding weight loss. That is, eat what you want within the healthy range for 5 days, and fast on only 500 calories per day for 2 days, 500 calories for women, and 600 calories for men, and not on consecutive days.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Roasted parsnip, puy lentil, and watercress salad

The watercress which is growing rampantly in my garden has inspired this recipe. I never thought I would be able to grow watercress in the tropics, however the garden is semi-shaded and well mulched, and as I was gifted a couple of small plants there was no loss if they didn't survive, although I would have been disappointed. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Orchids in Paradise at the Orchid Extravaganza, Queen's Park, Mackay, Q'ld

The highlight of the Orchid Extravaganza at Queen's Park in Mackay, Central Queensland, being held this weekend, would have to be the tropical Orchid House. A magnificent display of spring flowering orchid species blooms, bromeliads, and luscious ferns were captivating everyone.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Strawberry Jam is part of my  childhood memories and a bottle was always to be found somewhere in the kitchen to be eaten on fresh bread and butter, pikelets, scones and fresh cream for special occasions or with sponge cake.When we drove out to the strawberry farm at Cameron's Pocket near Mackay last weekend to do some strawberry picking with Paul and Jenny, and came home laden with strawberries both for eating and jam making, Neil suggested we try and do something different this time with the jam.

That is enough strawberry picking for now, let's have morning tea.

Neil and Paul picking strawberries.

 After all, strawberry jam has been around forever and it is time we became a little bit more creative with its flavour. Luckily, I have also been looking for another culinary use for my rose scented geraniums, besides enhancing chocolate cake, and Neil agreed that the rose geranium  would be a nice, subtle, flavour enhancer to the strawberry jam.

The daily fragrance of the Rose Scented geranium when I water the garden also takes me back to my time living at home when my Mum and I  used to visit the old-fashioned St. Aubin's herb farm in Rockhampton near the airport, now a village nursery, and where the mesmerising smell of the rose scented geraniums always wafted above the other herbal aromas to greet us and say goodbye. Perhaps I have tried to recreate the essence of that memory in my own garden. Enough reminiscing, let's make jam.Spring is in the air.


2 kg small ripe strawberries
1.7 kg sugar
Juice of 2 lemons
1 50g sachet of Fowlers Jamsetta with Pectin
8 average sized jam bottles
A handful of rose scented geranium leaves (optional)
A square of muslin
Kitchen string

  1. Hull the strawberries and discard any spoiled fruit.Set aside about 10 of the smallest berries, and then mash the rest up into a rough pulp. Put them into a wide, thick-bottomed pan, add the the sugar, and the lemon juice and leave for 30 minutes to soften the sugar and bring the strawberries to room temperature. 
  2. Meanwhile, prepare your bottles and lids for sterilising in the oven or the dishwasher. Place 2 saucers in the freezer for testing the setting point later.. This quantity makes about 8 average size bottles of jam. Prepare your geranium leaves by tying them up in a square of muslin, as you would with Bouquet Garni, and secure with string. Or if you would prefer a little bit of extra texture in your jam, chop them very finely and add to your mixture as you bring it to the boil. I might try this next time.
  3. Add the Fowler's Jamsetta Pectin Powder, and geranium bag to the mixture and bring the pot to the boil on a high heat. Boil the jam for about 15 minutes, stirring regularly, and checking the setting point every minute or so during the last 5 minutes. Do this by placing a teaspoon of jam on the cold saucer from the freezer,  and put it back in the freezer to cool a minute. Take it out and if it wrinkles when you push it with your finger, then it is done.It should be ready after five minutes of testing if not before. However, don't be tempted to overcook the jam, as it can move past its setting capacity.
  4. Strawberry jam is unlikely to set very solid like marmalade, and is difficult to tell if it is set from the mixture in the pot. If you think it is setting on the saucer, have faith that it will set in the bottles when it cools. 
  5. Take the pot off the heat and skim off the pink scum. Pour into warm sterilised jars through a wide funnel, and cover with  sterilised lids, or Fowlers Vacola Kleerview transparent preserve covers and rubber bands, if you are out of lids. 
When the jam has cooled and set, pat yourself on the back because strawberries are one of the most difficult fruit to make jam from.

Having said all of the above, would you believe that I am an amateur at jam making, and this is my first batch of strawberry jam, and it worked. So you can do it too.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Lentil and Bulgur Salad

Bulgur, also known as burghul, bourghal, and bulgar, is commonly found in Middle Eastern, Turkish, and Mediterranean dishes and is perhaps more commonly known as a significant ingredient in the preparation of tabbouleh. However, with the addition of lentils, and the other herbs, nuts, olives and vegetables, it reaches new heights in this dish. It is also a fibre and protein filled healthy alternative to other grains, such as rice and couscous.

Whilst it is commonly found in Health Food stores, I bought mine at a Middle Eastern shop in Townsville, North Queensland, called Sweet N Sour Middle Eastern Flavour, owned by a very helpful Palestinian gentleman, and worthy of a visit if you are passing through Townsville. Everything in the shop is so reasonably priced, with the Bulgur only $3.80 for 1 kg, and the Helva and Turkish Delight is as authentic and delicious as it gets. The very modest looking shop in Illuka Street, Townsville, makes a visit very worthwhile


200g (1 cup) brown lentils, rinsed and drained
160g (1 cup) fine Bulgur (cracked wheat)
60ml (1/4 cup) olive oil
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
60ml (1/4 cup) lemon juice
1/4 cup chopped mint
1/4 cup chopped dill
2 spring onions, finely chopped
1/2 small green capsicum, finely chopped
1/2 small red capsicum, finely chopped
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
25g (1/4 cup) walnuts, toasted, and chopped
40 g (1/4 cup) pitted Kalamata olives, chopped
100g feta, crumbled
1 tomato chopped


  1. Cover lentils with 500ml water and bring to a simmer in a partially covered saucepan. Cook for 20 minutes or until tender. Drain them well and place to the side in a large bowl.
  2. Place bulgur in a separate bowl, cover with 500ml of boiling water and set aside for 20 minutes. Whilst it is soaking, start preparing the other ingredients. Drain well and add to lentils and mix through.
  3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add garlic and cook gently for 1 minute until fragrant.
  4. Add garlic, and remaining ingredients to the lentil mixture. Season with salt and pepper, mix to combine and serve.

Tell me dear Reader, do you enjoy visiting more out of the way shops so that you can purchase ingredients such as Bulgur in an authentic setting, and enjoy a very different shopping experience?

Best wishes


Thursday, August 28, 2014


This banana cake with it's rustic finish of a rolled oats topping and it's unique Maple syrup flavour is a refreshing change to the usual banana cake with icing, and a lot healthier. I still have over a litre of whey in my frig following my mozarella cheese making, so I decided to substitute whey for the usual yoghurt in this recipe. It has produced a lightness of texture and the cake rose beautifully. Whey is becoming an essential addition to my baking and I am on a quest to find a multitude of uses for this humble byproduct of cheese making.


2 cups (300g) self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
150g butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
2/3 cup (150g) castor sugar
2 eggs
3 medium overripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup whey, or natural yoghurt (95g)
2 tablespoons traditional rolled oats
1/4 cup (60ml) maple syrup

Let's cook:
  1. Preheat oven to 200deg C., (180deg. C fan-forced).
  2. Grease a 16cm x 20cm, or 20cm x 20cm ovenproof baking dish; line the base with baking paper, and extend the paper by 5 cm over the sides.
  3. Sift the flour and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl.
  4. Beat the butter, sugar and vanilla paste in a bowl with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time before adding the mashed banana. Fold in the flour mixture and yoghurt in two batches. Spread the batter into the prepared pan, then sprinkle with the rolled oats.
  5. Bake cake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and brush the maple syrup over the top of the cake, then return to the oven for a further 10 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Cool the cake in the pan.
Suitable to freeze. Serves 12.

So dear reader, have you discovered any other uses for whey in your cooking or household activities?

The original recipe for this cake comes from the AWW.

Best wishes


Friday, August 22, 2014

Mozzarella cheese, how to make your own in 30 minutes

Click here for how to make your own mozarella cheese

Make Mozzarella cheese in your own kitchen, it is easier than you think it would be. Shannon and I were fortunate to attend a cheese making course at Green Living Australia in Brisbane, thanks to a birthday gift from Matthew and Myrtille, and what fun it was. Based on the excellent instruction given by Angie, and the recipe and guidance from the GLA Cheesemaking Kit, two months later my first attempt at making mozzarella is successful. My recipe instructions will cover a couple of tips I discovered along the way which I incorporated into my second mozzarella cheese making session the following day.

Click here for how to make your own mozzarella cheese

I highly recommend the course, as Angie's scientific knowledge and emphasis on cleanliness applied to cheese making is delivered in an entertaining and inspiring style, and aimed at the amateur, which I was. However, if you can't attend the course, the kit, the cold pack and the instructions can be purchased directly from GLA. If I can do it, so can you.The very approachable staff at Green Living Australia are only a phone call away to answer those little questions that arise when you start on the lifelong adventure of cheese making. We made Ricotta, Feta and Mozzarella cheese and ate our accomplishments at the end of the day, great fun.

Angie, our lovely teacher, and I are at the GLA Cheese making course.

Angie in the impressive GLA kitchen, talking on cheese making.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Passionfruit Butter or Passionfruit Curd

Passionfruit  are in season, and it is wonderful to have the time now to convert the surplus into preserves and special treats.  The bittersweet flavour and fragrance of the common purple passionfruit is without peer.


10 large passionfruit
3 eggs
200g castor sugar
30 g unsalted butter
1/3 cup (80ml) lemon juice

Cut the passionfruit in half with a sharp, serrated knife and take out the pulp.
Beat the eggs well.Tip the eggs into a stainless steel saucepan, and add the passionfruit pulp, sugar, chopped butter and lemon juice.

Stir ingredients over a low heat until mixture comes to the boil, then keep at a simmer for 15 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon to ensure it doesn't burn or reduce down too much.

The  mixture will thicken by the end of this cooking time, but will set properly and reach the required consistency when it cools.

Ladle the hot passionfruit butter into into clean, warm sterilised jars and seal.

When opened, store the jars in the refrigerator.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

A delicious Chicken tagine with Dates and Honey

Couscous, Chicken Tagine and Sweet Carrot Dip

The dates, honey and nuts when added to a slow cooked organic chicken stew become a magical Middle Eastern culinary experience. It is important to use organic chicken if possible for the best flavour and texture. This dish can also be cooked in a large casserole dish in the oven.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

French Pear Cake

Pears are in season and lend themselves to so many wonderful cake and dessert varieties. Thank you to the AWW for the original version of this recipe. It is perfect for afternoon tea served just on its own, or serve with fresh thickened cream or ice cream for dessert. Serves 10.
Cooking time: 1 hour 25 minutes


40g unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup (60g) ground almonds or ground hazelnuts
3 eggs
1 3/4 cups (385g) Castor sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup (125ml) milk
2 cups (300g) self-raising flour, sifted
4 (800g) slightly under ripe pears, cored, sliced thickly
2 tablespoons coffee sugar crystals or demarara sugar
20g unsalted butter,  chopped, extra required


  1. Preheat oven to 180 deg. C (160 deg.C fan-forced). Generously grease a 23cm spring form cake pan with the softened butter.Sprinkle in half of the ground almonds, shake them around the pan so they coat the sides and base. Place pan on a baking paper or alfoil lined oven tray.
  2. Combine the eggs  and sugar in a food processor; process until combined. Add the vanilla, milk and flour, and process until it forms a thick smooth batter.
  3. Transfer the cake mixture to a large mixing bowl; stir in the sliced pears; pour the mixture into prepared pan. Sprinkle top with remaining ground almonds and sugar crystals. Dot with the extra butter.

  1. Bake cake for 1 hour 15 minutes or until golden brown and cooked when tested.Cover with foil if it starts to over-brown during baking. Cool in pan for 10 minutes.
Serve the cake warm with double cream or ice cream.

Best wishes


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Vintage Tomato Soup

Mr. DIY, often talks fondly about his Mum's homemade tomato soup he used to enjoy as a child on cold Winter's nights in Toowoomba. We were given some beautiful Roma tomatoes from Bowen on the weekend, by our Frequent Traveller and good friend Paul, and I found this recipe for tomato soup in my Maggie Beer's Harvest book., one of my favourites. Apparently the Toowoomba version had milk added, which I couldn't quite come at this time, and had more tomato chunks throughout, however the flavour with the addition of white pepper is apparently just like his Mother Jessie used to make. What a success and such comfort food on a cold night with sourdough toast!


6 medium tomatoes, very ripe yet firm (Bowen Roma tomatoes work very well)
1 kg onions, thinly sliced (preferably brown onions)
1/3 cup (80ml) extra virgin oil, plus extra to serve
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
sea salt flakes
white pepper
1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional), or to taste
1/2 cup (125ml) Maggie Beer verjuice or dry white wine
1 litre boiling water
4 slices  good bread, slightly stale


Cut the core out of the tomatoes. This soup is meant to be on the rustic side so there is no need to peel or seed them.Cut each tomato into halves, quarters then eighths.Cook the onions over a low heat in a heavy-based saucepan for about 10 minutes using a wooden spoon until they are nice and golden and very soft. Add the garlic and salt to the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes and the sugar, which will enhance the flavour of the tomatoes and give a boost if they are not in perfect condition.

Cook for 10 minutes and then add the verjuice and water. I only added half the water so that it would be nice and thick, and the water can be eliminated  completely for a superior soup which won't go as far. This can then also be used as a pasta topping.

Add plenty of white pepper to taste. (This is the secret ingredient.) Simmer, covered for 45 minutes before serving. Drizzle a little olive oil over each slice of bread and place a slice in each serving bowl. (This is optional depending on the occasion.)

Ladle the soup over the bread and enjoy. Add fresh herbs if you would like them, however the soup is delicious without them.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Semi sundried tomatoes infused with rosemary

In March I wrote a post about growing Amish Paste tomatoes. I was expecting to harvest from our bushes within 80 days, and only about a month later than expected,  the harvest has started. Because of their low moisture content, lack of seeds, meaty like flesh, and extraordinary flavour, semi dried tomatoes are the first "cooked" product I am attempting with these. I know that sun-dried tomatoes were thrown into every conceivable dish during the early 1990's, however I think that semi dried tomatoes are still a force to be reckoned with because of their unique flavour.

 The Amish Paste tomato bushes have never been spectacular to look at and had a very understated start as young plants. Like the Amish who first grew them on a large scale, the species isn't about external appearances, it is about the bountiful yield and the end product as the tomatoes are plentiful, perfectly formed, and  larger than the roma or egg  tomato.

I have cooked two batches of the Amish semi dried tomatoes, and Mr. DIY, my Man of the House, was so taken with the flavour of the first batch cooked slowly in the kitchen oven, that he decided to help and factor in some improvements with the cooking process of the second batch. These were cooked slowly in the BBQ which must have a hood, and which I thought was probably a good idea as it frees up the kitchen oven for other projects and takes the heat out of the kitchen in the summer months. However, still a little bit nervous about venturing out of my kitchen on such an important mission, the preparation began.

I experimented with the first batch, cooking one tray with the addition of fresh herbs and one without to see if this makes any difference to the quality of their preservation. I will  store some in the frig, some in my dark pantry cupboard, and some in the freezer for quality control as I also live in a hot, humid part of the world in summer. Maggie Beer says they will last in the frig for weeks. I am hoping that the couple of bottles stored in my pantry will last longer. Dipping them in Maggie Beer's Verjuice or Red Cider Vinegar before bottling increases the acidification process slightly and will increase their shelf life. However, tomatoes are very acidic anyway.

2 kilos Amish Paste or Roma ripened tomatoes (these must be good quality without blemishes)
Fresh rosemary stalks or fresh thyme
Verjuice or Red Cider Vinegar (Verjuice isn't as strong in flavour as Red Cider Vinegar)
Sterilised bottles
Extra Virgin Oil
Lots of time whilst they cook (2 hours at least)

1.Wash tomatoes, dry, and cut in halves.

2.Scrape out the seeds and discard if you wish. (However, I have dried the seeds between sheets of recycled serviettes in a warm area of the house, which can then be used for future planting as they are such good tomatoes, and it saves buying seedlings next time.)

3.Salt the cut tomatoes, with only as much salt as you would normally use for eating, and press them for 30 minutes between layers of  absorbent kitchen wrap, with a  heavy layer of books and pans on top to squeeze out excess moisture. My second batch of tomatoes destined for the BBQ were pressed by Mr. DYI between large pieces of board and kitchen wrap clamped together, in his shed, with quality cleanliness controls in place of course. Much more moisture was removed this way. His inventions are priceless.

4.Sprinkle the tomatoes lightly with chopped rosemary or thyme. The second batch cooked in the BBQ oven was sprinkled with chopped rosemary and the rosemary stalks placed on the trays to further infuse the tomatoes with the smell of rosemary.

5.Place the pressed tomatoes in the oven or in the BBQ on racks so that the air can circulate freely around them and cook slowly at 150 deg. C for 2 hours or until all of the moisture has disappeared, the tomatoes are reduced in size, and the edges are firm and wrinkled. Some tomatoes will cook faster than others, so after an hour keep an eye on them. It helps to open the door slightly in the kitchen oven for the last hour to allow the moisture to escape. If you would like to eat the tomatoes straight away or within the next few days cooking them at 180 deg. C for a shorter time will caramelise them beautifully.

The smell of the tomatoes cooking in the BBQ, combined with the heady aroma of the rosemary was sensational reminding me of cold wintry nights spent in log cabins with the wood fires burning. That was a bonus. The subtle smell of rosemary is still perceptible in the house a day later.

Halved tomatoes cooking at 150 deg. in the outdoor BBQ infusing with rosemary.

Semi dried tomatoes straight out of the BBQ oven

Remove the tomatoes from the oven, leave on racks to cool and dry, before bottling.

Dip the semi dried tomatoes quickly in Verjuice or Red Cider Vinegar to increase the acidification process, and bottle in clean sterilised jars, covered in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Pack the tomatoes down tightly, and ensure the top layer of tomatoes is completely covered with oil and that the oil doesn't touch the lid of the bottle.

Enjoy with fresh goats cheese and some good crusty homemade bread or bruschetta.

If you have had success with cooking semi dried tomatoes I would love to hear from you and have you tried any interesting variations with cooking them?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Caring for your Moroccan Tagine

 This is where I have just bought my first tagine, at Lantaka,  a specialty shop in Cairns, Far North Queensland, stocking an exotic variety of useful and decorative Moroccan tagines, rugs, homewares, and leather goods, sourced personally by the owners in Morocco and imported directly to the shop. It is an Aladdin's Cave full of surprises for those that venture off the footpaths of Stratford Parade through it's front doors, being lured in by the impressive and colourful window displays.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Rosella Jam making is a lesson in chemistry, botany and good time management but is good fun and very rewarding. I think it is the most delicious jam on the planet. Rosella jam is made from the red fleshy calyx surrounding the green seedpods. These pods need to be boiled to extract the valuable pectin, essential for the thickening of the jam. Not all homegrown Rosella fruit ripen at the same time and can be collected gradually and stored in the freezer until you have enough to make a worthwhile quantity of jam.

Separating the seedpod from the calyx can be a time consuming and tricky procedure. Courtesy of a helpful neighbour of mine, we used a modified empty bullet shell to push the seedpod up through the calyx from the base of the fruit in a very simple operation. Quite primitive but very effective. There are many homemade devices that have been used for this operation or you could just use an apple corer. Wear firm fitting gloves when removing the calyx.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Paleo style cooking can be easy  and economical. I have been cooking this dish for years using cabbage, mince and curry powder, even before Paleo became a dietary phenomena promoting a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. It is a family favourite and very easy and nutritious to make

Monday, June 9, 2014

Cheese making, a great beginning

What an inspiring week it has been in Brisbane, for a few reasons. I originally came down for the week to attend a cheese making course yesterday by Green Living Australia, given to me and my daughter as birthday gifts by my thoughtful son and his partner. Wonderful idea and very exciting. Then we heard on Thursday that our amazing daughter is relocating to Cairns for work reasons, a promotion and permanency, which is fabulous. So I will be in Brisbane for a bit longer to help with the logistics of the move, as you do. However, back to the cheese making course, a delicious and stimulating deviation from the business of moving.

The cheese making course was absolutely fabulous, and inspiring, in that I am now very excited about making my own cheeses i.e. mozzarella, feta, and ricotta to start with and hopefully my expertise as a cheese maker will develop into making even more interesting cheese varieties. Angie, our cheese instructor, has such an interesting family story.  Her Mum originally learnt her cheese making skills from the Amish community in the U.S.A., whose underlying philosophy is to grow and make as much of their own food as possible in the healthiest possible way. Green Living Australia embraces sustainability wholeheartedly,  to suit modern lifestyles. We left the course with containers of the cheese bounty we made,  which tasted fabulous, a versatile Feta making Kit, a Deluxe Curd Knife which I love,  mini measuring spoons, feta cheese making baskets, and two instruction booklets.

The measuring spoons are fascinating, described as a Drop=1/64 tsp., a Smidgen=1/32 tsp.,a Pinch=1/16 tsp.,a Dash=1/8tsp., and a Tad=1/4tsp. Now if you also get excited by interesting pieces of kitchen equipment and appliances you will understand just how excited I am. Measurement of the minute quantities of Mesophilic Starter Culture or friendly bacteria used to create the curd  are assisted by the use of these tiny implements supplied by Green Living Australia.  More about cheese making in later posts, suffice to say that I think this will become a priority when I get home.  Thanks to Angie at Green Living Australia .com .au for a fantastic day.

Stay posted for more information and photos on how to make your own cheese.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Wholesome Baked Banana Custard

Wholesome Baked Banana Custard

Click here for recipe:

Last night we made a comforting baked banana custard dessert, lactose, gluten and sugar free, just using dates and vanilla as sweetening agents. A recipe adapted from WholefoodsSimply website. Such a nice change to banana cake and bread. The pudding was delicious and could be further sweetened if desired with honey or real maple syrup. The recipe fills four cup size ramekins perfectly. For those that are egg intolerant, I'm sure chia seeds could be used as a substitute. This is a very adaptable recipe, where cooked apple or even cooked pumpkin could be substituted for the banana.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

State of Origin Pizza BBQ style

Click here for recipe:

Maroon is our favorite color tonight, it's State of Origin , Mr. HRK is excited and dinner is his choice. It's kind of like Make it like a Man.  Well, it is actually traditional for us to make pizzas on State of Origin night, and he has excelled himself. They must be cooked in the BBQ oven, and the dough is thin and crispy, perfect. This is partly due to a gift I bought him recently, a pizza tray with holes in the base and slightly elevated. My homemade passata topping provides an aromatic and flavoursome addition. A glass of red or rather maroon wine, a nice Pinot Noir and we are set for the game.

Our BBQ has been utilised in a variety of ways today. Mr. HRK has roasted his coffee beans to perfection in his homemade coffee roasting drum. I chargrilled some of our homegrown eggplants, blackened the skins, in preparation for making my Baba Ganoush. This was followed by the pizza.

Pizza dough recipe:

400g (14oz/2 2/3 cups) plain flour
14 g (1/2 oz/1 tablespoon) dried yeast
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
250ml (9 fl oz/1 cup) lukewarm water
3 teaspoons olive oil
  1. Place the flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Combine the water and olive oil and add to the flour mixture. Use a wooden spoon and then your hands to  mix a dough.
  2. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes or until smooth and elastic.
  3. Place the dough in an oiled bowl and turn to coat lightly in the oil. Cover loosely with a clean, slightly damp tea towel or plastic wrap and set aside in a warm, draught-free place for 1 hour or until doubled in size.
  4. Knock back the dough by punching your fist into the centre of the dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 2-3 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Use immediately as directed.
Add your favourite toppings to the pizza. Allow approximately 10 minutes cooking time in the BBQ with the hood down. As you can see there is a lot meat on this pizza because it's football tonight. However add lots of other toppings such as capsicum and mushrooms if you wish.
For a crispy base, sprinkle grated mozzarella cheese over the base first, then add your homemade aromatic passata or bought tomato sauce and place in blobs over the cheese. 

Then add the remainder of your favourite toppings, remembering simple is best with pizza, including lots of home grown oregano and basil and you are on your way to the traditional Pizza Margherita.

(The dough recipe is taken from "Make me pizza", published by Murdoch books.
Variations to the dough:

Wholemeal pizza dough:
Replace the plain flour with 400g (14 oz/2 2/3 cups) wholemeal flour and add an extra 50 ml (1 1/2 fl oz ) lukewarm water
Rosemary pizza dough:
After kneading in step 2, add 2 teaspoons very finely chopped rosemary and knead for another 1 minute to incorporate.
Parmesan pizza dough:
After kneading in step 2, add 40 g (1 1/2 oz) finely freshly grated parmesan cheese and knead for another 1 minute to incorporate.

Warm wishes, 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tomato Relish Passata

Bowen tomatoes are a must if you are travelling north. This recipe is adapted from my Tomato Relish recipe, to become a thick passata suitable for pizza bases and bolognese sauce or other Italian dishes.  I was just given some ripening and cheaply priced Bowen tomatoes by our friend Paul,  who bought them from a roadside stall just near Bowen.  After ripening in my kitchen, they cooked up beautifully.


3 kgs tomatoes
4 large onions
1 clove garlic
1 chilli (according to your taste)
1-2 cups sugar (according to your taste)
1 tablsp. curry powder (optional)
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 cups red wine vinegar or other good quality vinegar
3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil and oregano


Quarter the tomatoes and chop the onions and chilli finely.
Crush the garlic.
Add all of the ingredients to a large pot and bring to the boil.
Reduce to a simmer for 2 hours and reduce the mixture by a quarter. Cook longer if needed.
Place a teaspoon of the mixture in a small bowl, allow to cool and taste it, and then season with salt and pepper or add other ingredients according to taste.

Allow to cool slightly and fill your warm sterilised bottles.

Easy Tomato Relish

This is my Mum's recipe for Tomato Relish, which she was never without in her pantry, and I still think it is the best tomato relish I have ever tasted. I have fond memories of eating it around the kitchen table at home with cheese and biscuits. It is now also a staple in our home, and our children love it as well.

This recipe can also be adapted to a flavoursome tomato passata according to your taste, which can be used for pizza bases, pasta sauces, or whenever tomato passata is needed.


500 g (1 lb) Ripe Tomatoes (skinned)
500 g (1 lb) onions
1 cup sugar
1 dessertspoon Curry Powder
1 teaspoon Mustard Powder
1 cup White Vinegar
salt to taste
cornflour to thicken


  1. Prepare and skin the tomatoes by blanching them, place them in iced water, remove the skins and chop them into quarters.
  2. Chop the onions finely.
  3. Place all ingredients except salt and cornflour in the pot and bring to the boil and then simmer until cooked and mixture is reduced by a quarter. Stir occasionally.
  4. When cooked, add salt to taste.
  5. Thicken with cornflour and water mixed to a thin paste, and simmer gently for a few more minutes.
  6. Allow to cool slightly and fill your sterilised bottles.
  7. Turn the bottles upside down for 15 minutes to seal them properly
Warm wishes

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chocolate Brownies, Paleo Style And No Guilt

Click here for recipe:

Paleo Chocolate Brownie cake, was one of the highlights from the kitchen on the weekend when our beautiful daughter came home for a surprise visit.  The slice is based on cacao, coconut flour, honey and white sweet potato. So a trip to the health food shop for the coconut flour and cacao, purchase of the sweet potato, and we were set.

We didn't make the dark chocolate topping this time, mainly because we forgot to buy it, however the chocolate Brownie with a cuppa doesn't really need it. If serving as a dessert though, I would certainly adorn the cake with the melted chocolate sauce and berries.

(This recipe is adapted from the Eat, Drink Paleo website.)