Saturday, August 24, 2024

Baked Whole Barramundi, with Asian flavours

This Barramundi fish was caught with a fishing rod and line from the beach, only the day before I baked it, and couldn't have been any fresher, or more delicious. He was caught in the waters of the Hinchinbrook Channel near Cardwell on the Far North Queensland Coast, by a friend who only ever catches as much as he needs, just eats what he can and very thoughtfully gives a few away to older residents of his community. Fishing sustainably like this will ensure that the barramundi won't be fished out in this area by local fishermen.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Cheese, Chorizo and Chive Scones #ISW 2024

It's time for International Scone Week 2024. This is still an important event, where bakers around the world submit an entry for their favourite scone, sweet or savoury. My Pumpkin Scones from #ISW 2022, are one of the most popular posts on my blog, and I still make them often. This year I have baked a savoury scone recipe, which is one of my favorite ways to eat a scone for morning tea. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

In My Kitchen, August 2024 - July the month that was

 What an incredible month July has been. We were in Cairns in Far North Tropical Queensland for most of July, away from our family home and my kitchen in Mackay. However it's hard for me to stay out of the kitchen, so read on to hear all about what I've been up to.