Saturday, December 31, 2016

A delicious lunch at the Lobster Trap in Lancelin, W.A.

Being on holiday  between  Christmas  and New Year on the  coast in Western  Australia  I thought  we would  have  access to lots of fresh  seafood.  Well it hasn't  quite panned  out that way. So when  we stumbled  across the  Lobster  Trap Cafe in Lancelin, North of Guilderton,  for lunch it was a chance to see  what was on offer. A family owned business, a very friendly  atmosphere, and good  food with a Byron Bay presentation  style ensured  a memorable experience  for the  family.
Happy New Years to my friends and family. Hope you  have a very rewarding , happy and successful  2017.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Peaceful Dove Babies just born

Peaceful Doves (Geopelia placida)

Two very sweet little Peaceful Doves have just hatched in the Aussie peg basket that they call home. My early stroll around our garden with a cup of tea in hand, a peak in the peg basket and there they were, two beautiful little just born baby Peaceful Doves. Yesterday Mum was all fluffed up so we thought the birth was imminent. The next couple of days will be critical to their survival. Mum, who we have named Margaret, Peggy for short, (do you get it?) had flown off probably to get breakfast organised for her two new babies so I could have a good look and take a photo without doing any harm. She will be feeding heavily now on small seeds and water so that she can produce the "crop milk" in her crop glands to feed her babies. Thankfully, I could see that they were breathing ok, and that their little eyes were open. The glorious thing about them being in the peg basket on the Hills Hoist washing line is that we can observe what is happening, and Margaret has become very used to us unless I forget and bounce up to the washing line to hang out washing very close to her, then she has taken fright and flown off but always returns very quickly. Dear friends that has only happened a couple of times. At the moment, in  respect for the miracle that has occurred I am hanging out my washing on the lines in the garage, which I started doing because of the rain, however I will continue to do it now for a couple of days.

This was Mum sitting on her eggs

 We have had 4 or 5 families of birds nesting in our Paperbark tree this summer, however it was difficult to observe exactly what is happening. We watched with delight as the baby Peewees flew through our garage and rested on the roof racks of our car with Mum screeching at them to return home. However, having a family of birds in such close proximity to our house has been exciting.

When we take an early walk around our neighbourhood it is interesting to see just how many families of birds, such as magpies, butcher birds and peewees there are with the young on the ground waiting to be fed by their parents. Are you noticing this in your suburb as well at this time of year. Having all of this activity in our garden, such as the birds, the European bees feeding on the basil, the native bees feeding on the Wandering Jew plant, and the bumble bees feeding on the eggplant flowers, means that our garden has become quite organic and self sustaining and all of the resulting healthy herbal produce supports my activities in the kitchen. It is so nice  to have the time to observe all of this happening, thanks to the simple style of living that we are enjoying in retirement.

Go straight to the precious story about Mum sitting on her eggs here

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Spoil yourself with Baked Rice Pudding


It's Saturday afternoon, there are rain showers around, so it seems the perfect opportunity to do some long, slow cooking and make this very economical and very satisfying dessert. There are so many variations of this baked rice dessert out there, however when I am cooking for my family this is the recipe that I always use otherwise it just wouldn't measure up. My Mum made it, her Grandmother made it, and now I make it. It is great comfort food, and puffs up beautifully when first cooked. However, be aware that the the delicious nutmeg infused skin will deflate when it is removed from the oven. This doesn't affect the taste at all. All you need is some time to cook it, and some very basic ingredients. Whilst it requires a slow oven, it can be cooked on the lowest oven rack if you are slow cooking a piece of  lamb or pork at the same time. It can be served with stewed aromatic fruits if desired, however it is delicious just on it's own. I earn some serious brownie points when I take the time to cook this for Mr. HRK.

My tip is that if you aren't a real sweet tooth or you are cutting calories before Christmas, halve the amount of sugar and it is still delicious. However I really think the full cream milk needs to be used in this recipe.


3 tablespoons short-grain or Arborio rice
300 ml water
600 ml full cream milk
3 tablespoons sugar
nutmeg, freshly ground if possible but not essential
  1. Place the rice in a pie or casserole dish and add water.
  2. Cook slowly in the oven (150 deg. C) until rice absorbs the water. (Allow about 30 minutes)
  3. Add milk and sugar to the hot dish and mix well. Sprinkle well with nutmeg and add a few small pieces of chopped butter on top as well if you wish
  4. Bake in a very slow oven for about 1 hour. When a brown skin forms  the rice mixture is creamy it is cooked.
  5. Serve cold with stewed fruit.

Oven Roasted Tomato Sauce

Tomatoes, luscious ripe Roma tomatoes, are still in abundance thank goodness in North Queensland, but soon it will be too hot, and the season will be finished. So much of my cooking at present is about preserving what is seasonal, so that I have it either in my freezer or my pantry when those particular items become too expensive. However, at times I weaken and use those supplies, like last night when we indulged in homemade pasta and whilst I had made a delicious bolognese sauce as well, I just had to try my new Roasted Tomato sauce. I think everyone enjoyed it.

It is so easy but lots of tomatoes are required, so I think it will be a trip to the markets again to buy some more.

Dear friends do you find that you preserve excess quantities of fruit and vegetables for the future but find yourself dipping into them for convenience. I think it just makes life easy at times and takes the pressure off if guests are arriving, After all isn't that what a lot of restaurants do?

This Tomato sauce recipe is a River Cottage classic, obviously made over there with a selection of British tomatoes and this can be the mainstay of a lot of delicious meat based and vegetable cooking.

Trays and trays of tomatoes waiting to be roasted

This recipe makes about 500 ml of sauce

1.5-2 kg ripe tomatoes, larger ones halved (A selection can be used but I used all very ripe Roma tomatoes)
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
A few sprigs of thyme
A couple of sprigs of marjoram if you have it but not essential
2 tablespoons olive oil or canola oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the oven to 180 deg. C. Lay the tomatoes, cut side up if halved, on a baking try. Scatter the garlic and herbs over the top, trickle over the olive oil, and season with plenty of salt and pepper.

Put the tray in the oven for about an hour, until the tomatoes are completely soft and pulpy, and starting to crinkle and caramelise on top. Yum!

Take the tomatoes out of the oven and set aside the baking tray on a cooling tray  for about half an hour or so.  Depending on the tomatoes, you may not need to rub them through a sieve with a wooden spoon, or use a traditional mouli. I found that my tomatoes just popped out of their skins making it easy to simply process the tomato pulp into a sauce.

Bolognese Meat Sauce recipe

Homemade pasta recipe

Friday, December 9, 2016

A Peaceful Dove bringing life, hope and peace to our North Queensland Tropical garden at Christmas time

A ready built home for the family, with interior decorating included. Recycling at it's best. She's been sitting on her eggs for a couple of weeks.

A flimsy nest of twigs and grasses in the peg basket. Since this photo, there are now two eggs.

Happy Friday to my friends, and prepare to take a tour of my tropical garden. 

The birds, the edibles, and the ornamentals  bring our garden to life each day. We enjoy our morning cup of freshly brewed coffee on our patio before the heat of the day radiates to force us inside. However, salutations to our very maternal Peaceful Dove who continues to sit on her eggs in the peg basket on our Hills Hoist washing line,  through the heat of the day and the cool of the night. I am so conscious at times of her lying out there exposed to the elements. and I have even at times in the heat of the day moved the washing line around so that she is in the shade of the neighbouring Golden Penda Tree. Neil has firmly secured the peg basket to the washing line to ensure it doesn't blow to the ground during windy weather which happened last year, when she or another Peaceful Dove was siting on her eggs.  She is very used to us now, and doesn't fly off when we walk nearby or do the watering around her. She is now sitting on two eggs, when I took the earlier photo she was only sitting on one egg. It's a beautiful thing really to see her so bravely guarding her future offspring. We are looking forward to the eggs hatching, and hope it all goes well for her.

Yellow gerberas saluting the sun

Beautiful Vanda Robert Smith x Asca Thai Ruby flowering again after a few years. 11 years old. A senior citizen in the orchid world perhaps.

Bromeliads flowering at last like a torch 

Christmas flowering of lush and tropical Heliconia "Kawauchi", a relative of the banana

A miniature rainforest

Flowering Thumbergia loved by the birds

Italian and sweet basil, our future pesto ingredient

Caladiums in harmony with the Desert Roses

Crotons, Caladiums, Pentas in a tropical medley

Potted Oregano adjacent to the purple ground orchids and tarragon

Everflowering New Guinea bottlebrush tree, a haven for the nectar loving birds

Covered Turmeric and ginger patch emerging

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Home made gifts ready for Christmas

Caribbean Rum and Gingerbread Balls

Rum Balls have always been such a classic part of the Christmas treats in our home, but to my way of thinking the classics are the forms that can spawn a plethora of variations. Hence, these Gingerbread Balls are based on the idea of Rum balls but use Ginger cake as a base, with the addition of Caribbean Rum and the exotic Stem Ginger, an ideal marriage of flavours. There is no cooking involved, unless you want to make the ginger cake yourself. I have only been able to find good stem ginger at specialist Delicatessen stores, but I'm sure it is more readily available in the cities. More ginger can be added to this recipe for the gingerholics.

These will be Christmas gifts made with love for my friends, which I find more satisfying and meaningful than presenting them with something I have purchased. I hope they feel the same way. Since I have finished work, I guess I approach a lot of things differently, and  now that I can I enjoy spending more of my time being creative in my kitchen, a valued luxury of retirement.


500g homemade ginger cake, crumbled, or take the shortcut and buy a Ginger Loaf (Coles has them).
3/4 cup (60g) desiccated coconut
1/3 cup (80ml) sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup finely chopped stem ginger, drained of syrup or use Naked uncrystallised ginger
2-3 tbs. Caribbean or Bundaberg (dark) rum (optional)
1/3 cup (65g) dark chocolate chips
Extra desiccated coconut for the coating

Makes about 40 balls.


  1. Place the cake crumbs, coconut, condensed milk, rum, and chocolate chips in a bowl. Stir until well combined.
  2. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Roll 1 tablespoonful of the mixture into a ball. Place on the lined tray and continue with the rest of the mixture.
  3. Place extra coconut on a plate. Roll the balls in the coconut to coat. Place in an airtight container and store in the fridge.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Summer Basil Pesto from home grown Basil in the Tropics

It's the season to be jolly and also the season to grow Basil and make Pesto before the serious and fun Christmas cooking starts. It is difficult in the tropical heat to grow much else, except perhaps other sun loving Mediterranean type herbs, chillies, small tomatoes and eggplant.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mediterranean Chicken Marbella Recipe, a touch of Spain with a silver lining

Chicken Marbella is a celebratory dish with a story, beginning with its creation in the kitchen of the Silver Palate food store, which opened on Manhattan's Upper West Side 35 years ago. The store was started by Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins, who cooked fresh each day, embracing a passion for simple good food. 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

It's a back to basics day, cooking from scratch with Pickled Beetroot and Homemade Pumpkin Soup

Homemade Pumpkin Soup for lunch today.

When I thought about trekking to the local farmer's markets early this morning, I realised I still had ample fresh produce in my frig crisper to keep me busy cooking and for us to eat well this week. I love the markets and checking out all of the local produce, but it is false economy to buy more than we need, and it is so easy to do that once I am there. I am like a kid in a lolly shop when confronted by all of the wonderfully earthy, and ethnically diverse fresh fruit and vegetables. So I decided to stay home and cook up a storm instead.Three large, week old beetroot commanded pickling and the mature pumpkin was just begging to be made into a delicious soup. Before I started I also thought I would blend up some basil pesto today, as my Italian and sweet basil is doing very well. However it was an ambitious thought really as I am out of Parmesan cheese, and who wants to brave it at the supermarket on a Saturday when the Christmas rush is in full flight to buy cheese. It is bedlam out there so the pesto can wait. Perhaps tomorrow will be pesto and pasta day.

Pickling Beetroot

Vinegar and spices pickling solution.

Boiling the beetroot
Preparing to sterilise bottles for pickling.

Hey presto, three jars of beautifully coloured pickled beetroot.

Also featuring my new kitchen cutting board which Neil made for me this week. 

So an early start at 5.30 am before the summer heat strikes, to go for a walk at Neil's suggestion, and then into the cooking. I now have a large bowl of pumpkin soup, some of which we will eat for lunch today and the rest will freeze well for those nights when I need a  night off from the kitchen or we have surprise visitors. Batch cooking saves so much time later on. Three jars of pickled beetroot will last us for quite a while and will go into the pantry. I refuse to buy the canned stuff now, as much as I like to support Golden Circle, as it is full of preservatives which isn't a healthy option. It is so easy to pickle your own beetroot and it tastes great. I left all of the seeds in the bottles this time as I like the rustic look however that is a personal choice.

Go to Pickled Beetroot recipe here
Go to Pumpkin Soup recipe here

My work in the kitchen is done, so now it's time to relax, and put my feet up in front of the test cricket, which is gaining momentum. I've also started sewing again and hope to finish a shirt top I am making today so Happy Saturday everyone.

Have an enjoyable weekend if you are reading this, and try to keep smiling. What plans do you have for the weekend?

Also Happy Thanksgiving to anybody who is embracing the tradition this weekend.

Best wishes


Monday, November 21, 2016

Spice up your life with Spicy Tomato Relish

Tomatoes are such a staple and very plentiful and quite well priced up here at the moment and I couldn't imagine life without them, could you? I still had some tomatoes that I bought at Merinda near Bowen, on the way home from Cairns which really needed to be used. I have always loved my Mum's easy tomato relish recipe, but just recently I have been enjoying relishes with a a bit more zing and heat to them, especially when eating cheesy vegetable muffins or vegetable fritters or glazed meats.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Simplicity Chocolate Cake, a vintage recipe for a Sunday afternoon

Chocolate cake is always such a special treat, and everyone needs a simple and fast chocolate cake recipe in their repertoire, don't you think? It has been very hot here this weekend, and after a siesta following lunch I woke up craving some chocolate cake, but realising there was nothing sweet  in the house to eat. Mr. HRK had also turned the coffee machine on so he was obviously thinking of a special afternoon tea as well.

 I've been meaning to bake this recipe of my Mum's for a long time. It was a very easy and economical cake to make which she often baked when I lived at home, but is probably a bit small as a round cake by modern day standards, however today I baked it in a loaf tin which was perfect for Mr. HRK and me. It makes  two nice sandwich cakes by just doubling the recipe. It took about 15 minutes to prepare and mix and then only 40 minutes to cook. Because we were in such a hurry to try it, I iced it when still warm which isn't what I usually do but it was delicious. I also added about 1 1/2 tablespoons of dark chocolate chips to the batter because I was feeling needy, and these worked a treat.


1 cup S.R. flour
1 small cup sugar ( a teacup size)
1/2 cup milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3 tablespoons melted butter
1 1/2 tablespoons dark chocolate chips (optional)

  1. Put all the ingredients, except the chocolate chips into your mixing bowl together and beat until well combined and glossy.
  2. Carefully mix the chocolate chips into the batter by hand (This step can be eliminated)
  3. Spoon the cake mixture into a well greased  round cake tin or a loaf tin, depending on the occasion you are baking for.
  4. Cook for 40 minutes in a moderate oven, or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Test it after 30 minutes though just in case.
This mixture can also be made into patty cakes. Just spoon a tablespoon of the mixture into 1 dozen patty cake tins. These small cakes were called patty cakes in Australia before they all became cup cakes.

Just iced while still warm
 Prepare a chocolate icing whilst the cake is baking. I just make a very simple icing using about 2 cups of  icing sugar sifted with 2 tablespoons of cocoa, some melted butter and some milk. Start with small quantities of melted butter and milk and just keep beating and adding to the icing sugar until you get the icing consistency you want. I prefer icing that spreads across the top of the cake quite thickly and doesn't run down the sides. The cake needs to be quite cool though for this to occur.

So to any dear friends who read this, do you have a simple family cake recipe that you resort to when you just need some cake to eat at home when you feel like indulging? Is Sunday the day that you often feel like indulging in a nice afternoon tea?

Best wishes

Pauline xx

An original recipe by Pauline +Happy Retirees Kitchen

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Cherry and Brandy Fruit Cake

Boiled fruit cakes are excellent to fall back on when in a rush, and knowing that I will want cake in the house when I return from being away this is perfect. I'm packing, so this is all being done hurriedly, however it is so reassuring to know that there will be some fruit cake in the refrigerator when I return, as fresh as when it was made, and possibly even tastier as the brandy does it's work over time.
However, next time I make this cake, I will leave the cherries whole rather than cutting them in  half, as they seem to have disappeared amongst the other fruit. Although this hasn't affected the flavour, there is such delight isn't there with finding a few whole cherries when eating fruit cake?

This cake mixture makes two good sized round cakes, I use 20 cm cake tins. I only made these yesterday, and half of this one has disappeared already. Needless to say, Neil loves fruit cake. I have another one though to take with me as well.

If I ever write a recipe book, I'm sure it will be filled with all of the wonderful recipes that friends have cooked and shared with me over the years. This is Paul's delicious fruit cake recipe which I have been wanting to try for a long time and can also be made into large muffin size cakes and given to friends as Christmas gifts. He has done this, and sold them at a Christmas school fete, where they all sold as soon as they hit the cake table.

Add a few nuts, some more brandy, some ribbons, and some icing and this fruit cake could stand proudly as your Christmas cake.

Let's Cook:

Boiled Ingredients:

250 grams butter
1 cup of sugar
3/4 cup of water
3/4 cup brandy
1/2 kg sultanas
1/2 kg raisins
2 pkts glace cherries, left whole
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp mixed spice


Place all the above ingredients in a large saucepan, melt the butter and slowly bring the ingredients to the boil. Simmer until the fruit softens, add 1 tsp. bicarbonate of soda, stir, and remove from heat to cool. I generally leave fruit cake mixtures to cool overnight.
Let's cook:

In a large bowl add the following:
1 1/2 cups of plain flour
1 1/2 cups SR Flour
3 eggs plus the cooled fruit and mix thoroughly.

This is a photo of the first one I made of this cake.

Cook in one tin or two, or even muffin tins. It is preferable to line the cake tins with two layers of brown paper to prevent them from burning.

In two 20 cm tins, cook for one hour and ten minutes at 160 degrees.

Best wishes,
