Monday, September 30, 2024

Nostalgic six minute Apple and Cinnamon Tea Cake


This classic Apple Tea Cake was perfect to bake one wet weekend, and is a cake I've been meaning to make again for quite a while. It doesn't need to be raining either by the way to bake this one. Tea cakes are meant to be made very quickly, in 6 minutes in fact, when visitors are on the way, popped into the oven for 30 minutes and be ready to enjoy with them while still warm. Once again, apple and cinnamon are an amazing combination. If you have apples in your crisper, this cake isn't far away.

I was enjoying searching through my Mum's old and precious recipe books looking for her tea cake recipe. There's such a treasure house of memories in those books, and to my delight I found this one. I suppose this recipe could be about 15 years old now, and it cooked up beautifully. Tea cakes are meant to be eaten straight away whilst still warm, and have a reputation for not being as fresh the following day however this one still was. As a child, I can also remember sitting with my Mum and my Great Aunt Eileen, who was a Home Science teacher and a wonderful cook, and eating her tea cake and being offered butter to spread on it, which we did with no guilt at all in those days. What the heck I still don't feel guilty.  Tea cake tastes so good spread with butter. Those were the days. Nostalgia is a wonderful thing.

Finding this recipe also made me think about how these days we rarely write out recipes to pass onto friends.  We either send them the link to where we found it on the computer, for example on a blog, or scan the recipe out of the recipe book we own, or I suppose sometimes if we can remember it we tell them how it is made and they might write it out there and then. 

A couple of my friends still give me the original copy of a recipe from where they found it in a magazine or a newspaper if they no longer want it. I have a drawer full of those waiting to be tried, however I still have lots of hand written recipes in folders which I have been given over the years and which are favourites. I will always keep those, inevitably though some of them will appear on my food blog for easy access. There are so many special memories and so much history embedded in food and recipes, don't you think? 

Simple Ingredients:

1/4 cup milk
2 eggs
1 cup Self Raising Flour
3/4 cup castor sugar
125g butter or 1/4 lb
1 tablespoon plain flour


Sliced sweet apple, cinnamon sugar for the topping, or make your own as follows.  
Mix together 3 tablespoons sugar and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Spread what you need over the apples, and store the rest in a covered container. There will be a next time to use it.


Preheat your oven to 180 deg. C.
Grease and line with baking parchment a 20 cm cake tin.

Beat all ingredients together for 6 minutes in your electric mixer.
Pour batter into your lined cake tin. 

Decorate the cake batter with sliced apple, cinnamon and sugar before placing in the oven. If you don't have the apple, or time to prepare it, that's ok, just sprinkle some cinnamon and sugar over the surface as a topping. It will still taste amazing, warm, out of the oven.

Bake in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes, until the surface looks cooked. Insert a cake skewer into the middle of the cake to check if it is cooked. The skewer should be clean when it comes out. My cake needed about 40 minutes but my oven isn't as hot as some.

Every now and then, I think we are allowed a trip down memory lane. This is mine for the moment. Thanks for indulging me.

Happy baking.

Warmest wishes,



  1. I am totally with you spreading butter on the tea cake! Thank you for sharing your family recipe, Pauline.

  2. I remember making apple tea cake in Home Ec. class many moons ago :) Simple and delicious. Yep butter rules! I have only a couple of recipes written out in my mum's hand. Very nostalgic. cheers Sherry

  3. Memories are for sure to be found in recipes, and food! And this cake looks stunning :)

  4. Yes, I miss the days when one had to write out a recipe for someone, especially the lost art of leaving out one key ingredient, so that the person making the dish would say, "I just can't make this as well as Jeff can." ;-)

  5. These are simple ingredients. Love it! Special recipes are extra special when they come in someone's handwriting, or the original with cooks notes (smile).

  6. Hello Pauline, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. This cake looks fantastic and I know exactly what you mean by a treasure trove of memories in the recipes from your dear Mother. I have two sets, her original Hungarian cookbook with hand written annotations and her Canadian recipes, mostly magazine and newspaper cutouts. Back when computers were becoming a thing (late 1980's I think) my brother brought home an original Macintosh, and a dot matrix printer and my dear Mom painstakingly entered most of her recipes and printed them in triplicate for us to enjoy. I stil make some of her favourites from time to time. Thank you for sharing your family recipe with us.

  7. What a delicious apple Tea Cake! I love it! Thank you for sharing this family recipe.

  8. I love this cake and simple cakes are the best for so many reasons. I can’t wait to try this — our stepson, daughter-in-law and grandson arrive Friday for the weekend — you know what they will be served for elevenses! Thanks for this, Pauline! David (C&L)


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