Saturday, October 13, 2018

Delectable Lime Syrup Cake

Aren't you just loving that limes are in season? I picked the limes for this cake fresh from my potted lime tree. I must tell you, our young mate Dylan who lives two doors up, came to visit just before, seemed a bit tired after a full week at school, he's in Grade 7, and obviously needed some sugar because he asked me, very politely, "Pauline have you baked anything nice this week?"...... I generally have some thing baked I can give him to try, he's a very generous critic, but unfortunately this time the pantry and the freezer were bare of sweet things.

However I can't have him thinking I have slackened off,  so I mentioned that I had hosted Mahjong again on Tuesday and I baked a pretty delicious Lime Syrup and coconut cake, thinking there would be quite a few slices left over, as only four ladies were available for Mahjong.

However Mr. HRK had other ideas, as he was going out later in the afternoon and needed to take some afternoon tea.  So the rest of the cake  went with him. Well Dylan's handsome little face dropped when I told him this, he missed out, however Mr. HRK's music friends loved the cake and now they all want the recipe. I think I'll have to make another one this weekend so that Dylan can have some, and I can have a second slice. Dylan's family travelled south for a wedding last weekend, and as a consequence I think his Mum may have put them all on a diet this last week after an indulgent weekend, as she is very health conscious, which is a good thing. 

Let's Cook: 



125g butter, chopped
3 eggs, beaten at room temperature
3/4 cup milk at room temperature
1 1/2 cups self raising flour, sifted
1 1/4 cups caster sugar
1 1/4 cups desiccated coconut

Delectable Lime syrup ingredients:

3 limes (1/2 cup lime juice)
Grated lime zest
1/2 cup white sugar

Let's cook:

Preheat oven to 180 deg. C. Lightly grease and line a 6cm deep, 22cm (base) springform cake pan with baking paper.

Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat or heat uncovered in the microwave on MEDIUM (50%) for 1 to 2 minutes until almost melted. Transfer to a bowl and stand for 1 minute to slightly cool. Add eggs and milk. Stir until combined.

Combine sifted flour, sugar, and coconut in a bowl. Add milk, egg and butter mixture. Stir to combine. Spread mixture into cake pan. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

Lime Syrup: 

Combine 1/2 cup lime juice and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring gently to the boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes or until syrupy and lightly coating the spoon. Stir in grated lime rind.

Pour your hot lime syrup over the hot cake. Allow cake to cool before releasing the sides of the cake pan. For decoration I then add some fresh green lime zest to the top of the cake for a little freshness. Cut into slices and serve with fresh yoghurt.

 Also, I just have to say thanks to those friends who left a comment on my blog about the Beetroot Hummus, I really appreciate it. I almost didn't  post it as I thought I might have overdone it with hummus recipes, just a bit, as delicious as it is....however I wanted to have it there to access for myself anyway, but I'm glad so many people have checked it out.

Have a great weekend everyone and I hope you can find time to relax and enjoy some cake. I love this recipe so I'm looking forward to having some more. It's drizzling rain here with a couple of embedded storms coming across, which is wonderful, the first for quite a while so I can also feel a movie coming on later in the day.

Best wishes



  1. Pauline, another yummy recipe. It is good to have the recipes recorded on your blog so that you and others can access them at any time. I don't put a lot on my blog as I am not a great cook like you are but some of them are handy for when I want to cook them up. I pin lots of yours so that I don't lose track of them.

  2. Thanks so much Chel.I just enjoy good food and sharing it so I need to cook it as we don't eat out much except when on holidays.I'm so pleased you enjoy looking at them.

  3. This sounds like a fabulous cake Pauline. I like to bake but I end up giving lots away as hubby and I can’t eat a whole cake! Yay for the rain ☔️ tho lots of events have been cancelled this weekend. Cheers sherry

  4. Oh dear
    No luck with my comment. It just wouldn’t work. Nice cake!

  5. have you noticed that not many modern recipes ask for self-raising flour anymore? i don't think it's trendy enough:=) this looks great. i love limes as i love a bit of a sweet/sour tang in food. cheers sherry

    1. Gosh I hadn't noticed that. I always make sure I buy the best SR flour though. Thanks Sherry.

  6. Oh my goodness, this cake sounds wonderful. It would be great for the next time it's my turn to take morning tea to my stitching group.

    1. Maria this one is always popular and easy to make. Thanks.

  7. Hehe I feel a bit like something is missing if I don't have a cake or a sweet treat too! Most of mine currently are Halloween themed. This looks lovely :D

    1. Yes I always like to have something sweet on hand.Disappears quickly though. Thanks Lorraine.


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