Monday, February 13, 2017

It's Zucchini Pickling day again


Zucchini pickle is a staple in my pantry, and is a great standby to serve with cheese and biscuits or to give to a friend as a foodie gift. Everyone seems to like it, and the recipe has been given out far and wide now amongst my friends and their friends.

 It originally came from the wonderful Not Quite Nigella's blog, and I have tried a few variations of it but keep reverting to the original. I think everyone is agreed that at the moment it is too hot to do much cooking in the kitchen. However, I bought some in season zucchinis very cheaply at the supermarket, and rather than waste them I pickled them.

Go straight to the recipe here:

I hope it is a bit cooler for you all today so that you can enjoy what you are doing. What is so good about pickling raw vegetables is that not much cooking or heat is involved during the pickling process.  However, you do need the time whilst the zucchini are being salted, and the vinegar solution brought to the boil. This is a good recipe if you are planning a stay at home day, and the pickling can be worked around your other projects.

The Man of the House is now adding the pickled zucchini on his pizza, with cheese platters, with salad, and it all works well. It will also be delicious with Middle Eastern food, or just enjoy with a delicious goats cheese (my favourite) but any cheese will do, and with sliced pear. I am now enjoying zucchini pickle with cheese and biscuits and a couple of slices of Thai pickled chilli.

 However, just stay cool at the moment and remember to keep well hydrated. It's Monday, so  I'm off to
the supermarket.

Zucchini Pickle

Slicing Preparation time: 10 minutes with a food processor or mandolin

Waiting time: 4 hours (2 hours x 2 hours)

Cooking time: 10 minutes (5 minutes x 2)
  • 1 kg/2 pounds zucchini (thinly sliced)
  • 2 medium onions, white or red (thinly sliced)
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • 1 level teaspoon powdered turmeric
  • 2 level teaspoons yellow mustard seed
  • 1 level teaspoon celery seed
  • 1 teaspoon salt
Tip: when dealing with this much zucchini and onions, use a food processor or mandolin to slice both as it will save considerable time and effort. 

Step 1 - Combine the zucchini, onions and salt and stand for two hours. Rinse well and drain. You will be surprised at the amount of liquid.

Step 2 - Mix the vinegar, sugar, salt and spices in a large saucepan with a lid and bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the zucchini and onion and stand for two more hours turning the zucchini over every 30 minutes to marinate in the pickling solution. Reheat and boil for 5 minutes. 

Step 3 - Cool until warm and place in hot sterilised jars. Fill the jars to the top as the mixture packs down very well. Seal tightly and turn upside down for 15 minutes. Turn right side up and you should have a seal and the lids will probably pop.

Thanks for dropping by.

Warm wishes



  1. I'm glad that you like the recipe. My reader Jaqi who gave me the recipe makes beautiful pickles! :D

  2. Pauline I don't pickle much these days since giving up sugar. Anyway, I gave up on my zucchinis as they just wouldn't grow and others seem to have no problem with them. I don't think I have much of a green thumb :-)

    1. Chel, I haven't had much luck with zucchinis either but I am going to try earlier again this year and hopefully harvest some before the tropical rain starts next year. They don't like wet feet. I mainly use my pickles when we have visitors or visit friends. I just find they are a good economical food to have on hand. Take care.


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